Frequently Asked Questions
How do I obtain a Peddler's License and who is required to obtain a Peddler's License?
- Any temporary vendor selling any products in the county limits must apply for a Peddler's License through the Sheriff's Office. If food is being sold, you must contact the Health Department. If gaming or bingo permits are required, you must contact the Development, Review & Planning department. If the vendor is selling products within city limits, you must contact that city's town hall.
- Peddler's License Application
My spouse is abusing me and/or our children. Where do I go for help?
- Call 9-1-1 any time you believe you are in physical danger. A Deputy Sheriff will be dispatched to assist you. You can apply to the District Court for a protective order, directing the abuser to stay away from you and your residence. A District Court Commissioner can issue an "interim protective order" 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The District Court Commissioners are located in the District Court Building on Commerce Street in Snow Hill (410) 219-7830 and in the Public Safety Building in Ocean City (410) 723-6935.
I just received a bad check. How do I file a criminal complaint?
- You can file a criminal complaint with the District Court Commissioners, who will help you through the process of filing. The District Court Commissioners are located in the District Court Building on Commerce Street in Snow Hill (410) 219-7830 and in the Public Safety Building in Ocean City (410) 723-6935.
How do I get a "restraining order"?
The District Court can issue two kinds of orders which direct one person to stay away from another person:
- A “protective order” directs a spouse or other person to whom a person is related, with whom a person lives or has lived or with whom a person has a child to stay away. During regular business hours – 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday – The District Court Commissioners are located in the District Court Building on Commerce Street in Snow Hill (410) 219-7830 and in the Public Safety Building in Ocean City (410) 723-6935. After court hours, District Court Commissioners can issue interim protective orders that are effective immediately.
- A “peace order” directs a person who is unrelated to and does not live with another person to stay away. Only a judge can issue a peace order. You may apply for a peace order at the District Court Clerk’s Office during regular business hours.
I need to get fingerprinted for a job. Can you do it?
- Worcester County does not offer fingerprinting services, CJIS offers fingerprinting by appointment at the MVA in Salisbury, call 1-888-795-0011 for information and scheduling. A list of private providers in Maryland is provided that offers additional locations, click on the link for additional information and locations http://www.dpscs.maryland.gov/publicservs/fingerprint.shtml.